Sunday, August 1

(49) "Skull-head"

Bonus Post (04)

One more post to go and Blog-o-rama is over. This year is the first time I took a nap (in the 05:00 hour) -- set my iPod alarm to wake me for the next post. Did not sleep much as both cats wanted to sleep on me -- there was growling involved. Now I am fairly awake and hope I do not have problems sleeping, as I have a ton to do later today.

Wordpress crapped out I could not finish the Blog Highlights, but I will after the site decides to cooperate -- I only had 4 to go. Later I want to go back and read a bit of what people wrote about. Sleep, if possible, first. I still have another 'thon to post for today, which is yet another reason why I got behind during this event.

I never did get to model any of my characters in Maya in the last 24 hours, but now I have more than enough sketches to work from. The point of my choosing character development was for me to see if I could find a theme I like to work with -- I found it -- big eyes and cyclopes, simple is better.

(48) "Round-eye" 04

(47) "Round-eye" 03

(46) "Round-eye" 02

(45) "Round-eye" 01

(44) "One-eyed" 06

(43) "One-eyed" 05

I do not know why this one is sideways.

(42) One-eyed" 04

(41) "One-eyed" 03

(40) "One-eyed" 02

(39) "One-eyed" 01

Note: the rest of the drawings are from today, August 01.

(38) Barry

(37) "Horse"

(36) "Night Sprite"

(35) "Funny Bunny"

(34) "Creature"

(LOL, yeah, I do not know about this one either.)

(33) "Bear" 02

(32) "Buggie" 04

(31) "Buggie" 03