I probably should mention that all posts after (07) MiniOnion were drawn yesterday.
I have another sponsor (yay!!!); and here I was worried I would be my only sponsor. Where did the time go? Seriously, I have gotten up a few times, have not made it outside yet, but it is almost 15:00, almost 6 hours into Blog-o-rama! I drew some more, but I need to draw a lot more. Scanning the drawings would have been ideal, since I do not have a copy stand, but I am not lugging the printer upstairs --- so "guerrilla" style it is, aka: using my digital camera and natural light. "Guerrilla" style, how all my work is done -- DIY: build it, duck tape, tin foil, ketchup . . .
Outside observation: a female House Finch [Carpodacus mexicanus] is sitting on the makeshift perch I made yesterday and is picking at the tall grass we let grow for all the outside critters -- first time I noticed the perch was being used.